You have probably noticed some great vampire pictures and Gothic type fantasy art online these days. The images and quality of the works are incredible. You also might of wondered how this type of art is produced, CG fantasy art makes use of software to produce fantasy style art.
The initials “CG” stand for computer generated and involve the artist using a variety of drawing or rendering software programs. The first movie to use computer generated imagery was Westword in 1973 but that was 2D, today’s 3D Computer generated imagery used by Disney and others has come a long way since its origins. CG art can now be done by anyone in the comfort of their own home with the help of software programs like Maya, and Bryce or using more common graphic design programs like Photoshop and Gimp. The market for computer generated art is much larger than most people realize. The Internet has really expanded the commercial prospects for alternative works of art. Many of these digital artists make a living selling prints of their Gothic, fantasy or vampire pictures online. You can buy high quality prints on ebay and others sites devoted to the medium. CG digital artists often will work on a commission basis either for commercial purposes or when contacted by a customer to produce a one of a kind work. Its hard to know if CG art will be a good long term investment as the market is so new, but some of these works command high prices.
If you would like to try your hand at drawing some vampire pictures or other fantasy art be patient, realize many of these digital artists have spent much of their life perfecting their craft, which isn’t that long since most are fairly young. So do not expect to produce something that blows people away 5 minutes after you install the software.