The Minimum You Need to Know About Java on OpenVMS – Book Review
The Minimum You Need to Know About Java on OpenVMS
By Roland Hughes
ISBN 0-9770866-1-5
Stop right there. If you haven’t read Roland Hughes’ first book in this series, “The Minimum You Need to Know to be an OpenVMS Application Developer” you’ll need to do so. Think of it as the prerequisite of a college course. Now, you are ready for the second book, “The Minimum You Need to Know About Java on OpenVMS.” Why two books? Java wasn’t covered so thoroughly in the first. Believe me; you’ll be glad you have both.
The concept of this book is “how to convert your existing core business application to use Java, yet still preserve your investment in the most stable platform on earth.” In other words, Hughes shows programmers how to create all the tools you need to make Java a usable language on OpenVMS. Java is an object-oriented programming language somewhat similar to C and C++ but really very different. Hughes goes into great comparison. Java has classes, but has a unique class called an Array with no defined constructor. This means values can be stored anywhere and in no specific order. You’re going to learn to build the tools you need to build the tools you want. Pretty simple, right?
As in the first book, Hughes uses the same application to demonstrate each new tool, in this book, using Java with FMS and RDB. He shows how to develop a generic class that will be usable by Indexed Files, also how to use JNI to access RMS, FMS, system services, and operating system provided libraries. Programmers learn to create an infrastructure MMS Procedure and how to use the supporting classes the procedure creates. Hughes also shows how to access RDB via the JDBC driver, demonstrating the importance of SQL. An accompanying CD-ROM contains the Class source.
This isn’t just flat textbook reading though. Hughes uses humor and casual language to engage his readers. He comfortably refers to things like geek books and nerd attitude. He knows that this work is on the intense side of life. The information within the book is very professionally presented, with detailed analysis and explanations, troubleshooting and error experiencing tips, and exercise quizzes that test your knowledge. You have to know these things!
The final chapter examines the future of IT and the choices you make going into it. So you want to be a computer programmer huh? Are you sure? Don’t listen to your guidance counselor without reading this book (and the first) first. Triple digit hourly rates, six figure salaries…maybe not. Downsizing, layoffs, feast or famine? Maybe so. When looking for sage advice on IT, go to the guru, Roland Hughes.