Like some people said that sitemap is very important to our site. So I create this page since the beginning of this blog to make me easier. So that I won’t feel so lazy to enter all of my blog post if there were so many post and it will make me getting boring.
“Jelajahi setiap bagian dari isi blog ini dengan melihat sitemap blogs”
1. Home [my home page, containing all of this site post updates]
2. About [about page, telling you about me, this site owner]
3. Link Exchange [Links page, contain list of other site that I like, and also other blogger site’s. You can request a link to your blog/site by commenting at this page]
4. Sitemap [ page you read now, showing you all stuff in this site]
5. Daftar isi
Exsplore my article and journeys exactly about INDONESIA