If you’re a passionate scuba diver, can you refrain yourself to experience the underwater mystery at Sipadan Island, where you have an opportunity to explore more than 3000 exceptional species like hawks-bill turtles, green turtles, green eels, mantis shrimps, hammerhead sharks, black tip sharks, white tipped sharks, barracudas, fire gobies etc. Crowded turtles can be easily seen on each dive. In coral garden, you can find different kinds of coral ranging from hard to soft and also in various shades of colors.
Sipadan Island is situated in the Celebes Sea, East Malaysia. Unfortunately, Sipadan marine park authority has restricted the max. no. of divers per day to 120. Moreover from the year of 2002, none of the overnight facilities are allowed here to protect the environment & marine life, which indirectly moved all the resorts to nearby islands Mabul and Kapalai and diving at Sipadan is operated from there.
Mabul is a land to many resorts. All most all the resorts offer various dive packages importantly barracuda point, drop off, coral garden, hanging garden, turtle cavern,etc. In turtle cavern, you’ll be thrilled with swimming through the underwater limestone cave and in barracuda point you can see the schooling of barracuda and its tornado formation.
Some resorts diving package includes dive at kapalai also, which is just 15 mins journey from Sipadan. Experience at kapalai will be somehow different from Sipadan Island, macro features like giant frogfish, crocodile fish,etc., can be sited there.
Many resorts have in-house dining and bar facilities. Non divers accompanying with you can simply rest themselves in this beautiful resorts and can view this beautiful islands which is priceless.
If you are fascinated to have hassle free trip to this magnificent Island, it is better to plan your trip directly with the resort who provides tour packages & dive packages.
You will be tempted to make a trip again without hesitatingly.