Java language is the most commonly used programming language to develop software applications for domestic as well as offshore customers. Java development is done in the presence of various essential elements, and that state is called environment. This java run time environment is also called as private run time. Various software development companies provide Java development kit and Software development kit to their users.
The run time environment comes along with the kits. So it becomes easier for the users to work in that language without spending extra for the other supporting components.
Java Development Kit and Software Development Kit are often mistaken for the same relevance. Java development kit has a narrow work of area, whereas software development kit has wider applications. Java development kit is actually a subset of Software Development Kit. The task of JDK is to write and run the java programs. The other elements comprising the SDK are -application servers, extra soft wares, debuggers and documentation.
Java as a programming language has some basic goals. Like:
• The program should contain features like simplicity, object orientation and familiarity.
• The program should be secure.
• I should be platform independent and open source.
• Should attain high performance, and produce quality work.
• It should be interpreted, stringed or threaded and should be dynamic also.
Due to the presence of all such dynamic features any program written in java language can be run on any other hardware or operating system platform which supports java applications. Instead of specific machine code, the compliers change java language code into java byte code. These java byte code instructions appear analogous to machine code, but are further processed for proper usage by the new hardware as well. To mange memory, java uses an application called automatic garbage collector in the object life-cycle.
Due to the simplified elements and various other unique features, java is better than any other programming language. But it is often accused of being slower than other programming languages and requirement of more memory space to store its contents. But since its origin, the execution speed of java programs has improved remarkably. This is due to the introduction of just-in-time compilation system during 1990s.Some of the advanced features added to this language are:
• Better code analysis and optimizations like Hot Spot• Introduction of microcontroller• Introduction of Jezelle option in the ARM family CPUs to support the execution of java byte code.
Since its origin, this language has been improved a lot in terms of memory space required and speed. May be due to all such advancements, java has become widely popular among the developers located all around the world.