Alternative Fuel

PROJECT TITLE: C.N.G. Green 2008

CNG Motor to promote environmental protection and energy conservation Today, countries are exploring the development and use of clean energy. Singaporean researchers recently developed a new type of hydrogen fuel motorcycle.

We propose a variety of activities, but our main propose is to deliver the CNG & Hydrogen technology for motorcycles ( Bikes & Tricycles ). We are targeting the Asia market, retail and Hybrid conversion as currently over 140 millions motorcycles are registered in Asia alone by grow rate of 5% to10% annually.

Myanmar 118,380. Thailand 18,210,454. Mongolia 26,675. Indonesia 17,002,140. Bangladesh 231,795. Malaysia 5,082,473. China 31,619,158. Philippines 1,032,594. Taiwan 12,900,000. Vietnam 11,379,000. Singapore 133,358. Cambodia 426,571. Hong Kong 33,079. Pakistan 1,987,074. Korea 1,730,193. Sri Lanka 751,938. Japan 13,996,275. India 24,691,876. Laos 132,552. East Timor 23,816.

TOTAL Millions 140,010,091


CNG Mobile Container, CNG Mobile Storage, Transport, Supply, Multi purpose.. Annex 5

CNG Cargo Vessels, CNG Ships may run on CNG drawn from their own cargo dual purpose A 3

CNG Mobile Refueling Stations, CNG Mobility to a larger scale with low cost Platform..Annex 2

CNG Motorcycle and Scooter, New generation of CNG Motorcycle Dual-Fuel.. Annex 1

CNG Marine Power, CNG alternative fuel in marine engine applications.. Annex 4

CNG at Home, Home refueling Appliance for Compressed Natural Gas.. Annex 6


Natural Gas- Sustainable EnergyOur core business is Smart Systems and Components for Sustainable Energy and Natural/Biogas, development until service and maintenance. Our own Technologies, state of the art. The CNG Motorcycle, CNG Motor, CNG refueling at home, CNG Cargo Container and priority Manifolds. Transfer technology for natural gas applications. Development center for components and systems, natural Gas and Biogas applications; priority CNG motorcycle (Convert and Retail) CNG stations manifolds, dryers, filters, connectors and more. Pressure and Flow solutions, components, systems and manifolds. Mechnical and electronic system solutions


Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) marine transportation is poised to be a viable solution to bring natural gas supplies to new markets or provide a solution for monetizing stranded gas. This is being driven in large part by high liquid fuel energy prices. CNG marine transport has a market niche between the volumes and distances that pipelines and LNG can economically transport. CNG Corporation’s Gas Mobility Module (GMM)1 a lightweight pressure containership vessel, has been developed to specifically address this market. CNG marine transportation in large volumes is not presently utilized anywhere in the world, though bulk transport by truck is well proven. Due to the reluctance by many parties to be the ‘first mover’, CNG Corporation has embarked on the development of a small, simple compression loaded barge based CNG marine transport project that will provide a demonstration platform for the GMM technology. The small size and resulting minimal capital outlay will provide a much needed working commercial scale model while minimizing the risks and financing problems associated with many proposed large scale projects.This paper will present details of the project, its development timetable and address the development process necessary to make CNG marine transportation a viable reality.


CNG transport is not new nor are the technologies being introduced to CNG transport, but what is new is the application of these technologies into a CNG marine based system and the increased volumes of CNG proposed to be transported. CNG Corp’s Gas Mobility Module (GMM) technology is well positioned to become the CNG transport market leader due to the competitive advantage of the lightweight GMM, commercial availability of the GMM product, CNG Shipping, CNG Supply, CNG Storage, CNG Retail Station and the proposal for mobility module of cng conversion for motor cars and motorcycles.

Natural gas Sources

Indonesia has almost 190 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of natural gas reserves (proven and probable), the thirteenth largest in the world. In 2004, the country produced 3.03 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of gas, ranking eighth in world gas production. Gas reserves are equivalent to almost four times Indonesia’s oil reserves and can supply the country for 62 years at current production rates. According to the analysis, over 71 percent of natural gas reserves are located offshore, with the largest reserves found off Natuna Island (28.8 percent), East Kalimantan (25.2 percent), South Sumatra (13 percent) and Irian Jaya (12.8 percent). However, not all of these reserves are commercially viable, due to both the quality of the gas and the distance to market.

Growing Power Needs Will Drive Gas Demand

Power generation needs in Java and Bali will also drive growing domestic gas demand. Over the last several years, peak power demand grew by an average of six percent annually, while power capacity did not increase. Peak loads on the Java-Bali grid (which accounts for of 80 percent of Indonesia’s power demand) reached a record high of 14,821 MW in April 2005. As a result, the actual reserve margin has declined from 16 percent in 2001 to a razor-thin 6 percent in 2004 in (Note: desired reserve margins are normally between 25 and 30 percent). PLN estimates that Indonesia needs over 23,000 MW in new capacity between 2005 and 2015 to prevent a long-term power crisis and restore its power reserve margin. Much of that new capacity will be fueled by gas and coal. PLN plans to raise natural gas use by the power sector from 17 percent in 2004 to 40 percent by 2015.

Networks, state gas utility CNG Corps plans four new transmission projects to meet rising power sector demands for gas, as follows:

In addition to these projects, the CNGC is proposing to build an CNG exprot terminal in West Java, to process and distribute gas from existing CNG plants, as well as future plants in Papua (Tangguh) and South Sulawesi (Donggi). CNGC is extending its distribution network and plans to ship compressed natural gas (CNG) over short to medium distances to remote areas. In addition, CNGC is also investigating the feasibility of developing an integrated mini-CNG transportation system. The project will involve a mini-CNG receiving terminal in Singapore.


Singapore’s primary energy consumption increased from 35.0 Mtoe in 2000 to 44.1 Mtoe in 2004, primarily from oil and gas spurred by the resilient growth in the industry and transport sectors. The energy mix has seen a major shift in recent years. As a result of switching from oil to natural gas in electricity generation, Singapore has dramatically increased the consumption of natural gas since 2001 when the economy started importing natural gas from Indonesia. From 2000, the share of natural gas in primary energy consumption increased from 5 percent to 20 percent. By contrast, the share of oil in total primary energy consumption decreased from 95 percent to 80 percent over the same period. Not having its own energy resources, Singapore relies entirely on imported oil and gas to meet the economy’s growing energy requirements. More than half of Singapore’s oil import was re-exported, while the other half was retained for domestic use. Singapore is the third largest refining centre in the world after the US Gulf Coast, and Rotterdam, and the primary refined products trading hub in Southeast Asia. Singapore also serves as the world’s top bunkering port due to the economy’s strategic location at the entrance to the Strait of Malacca.

To ensure supply security, Singapore is seeking to diversify natural gas supply sources. The economy has undertaken a study to investigate the feasibility of importing compressed natural gas (CNG) and the construction of CNG receiving terminal. Most of the industrial activities in Singapore – refining and petrochemicals – use oil as the feedstock and are fairly carbon intensive. Therefore, as a means to minimize the burden to the environment resulting from the utilization of oil, Singapore has recently initiated the “Singapore Green Plan 2012”, which anticipates reducing CO2 emissions by at least 25 percent of the 1990 level by 2012. The Plan outlines strategies to achieve the target through greater energy efficiency improvement, use of cleaner energy sources in the industry, commercial, and transport sectors. Some of the measures adopted include: 1) voluntary energy-efficiency labeling for appliances and buildings, 2) fuel switching in electricity generation, and 3) introduction of “green vehicles” (such as hybrid, and CNG).


Given the small land area (650 km2) and high population density (at 6,425 persons/km2 ), Singapore has been developing a comprehensive road transport system that can efficiently handle both freight and passenger transport. In particular, Singapore has been striving to reduce dependence on passenger vehicle and encourage the use of public transport. With the implementation of various economic instruments such as mandatory acquisition of a certificate for passenger vehicle ownership, and electronic road pricing on congested roads, Singapore has successfully slowed the growth in the number of passenger vehicles and consequently gasoline consumption. Over the outlook period, energy demand for road transport sub-sector is expected to grow at an annual rate of 2.2 percent. Gasoline demand for passenger vehicles will grow by 1.8 percent annually, a slower rate than the previous three decades at 3.8 percent per year. As a result of the implementation of various economic instruments which limit passenger vehicle ownership, the number of vehicles per 1,000 populations will not show any significant change from the 2002 level, remaining at around 102 per 1,000 populations.

Diesel demand for trucks is projected to grow annually at the steady rate of 2.4 percent since trucks are favored as the main mode of freight transport for high value added manufacturing and petrochemical products. Singapore’s Changi international airport serves as a regional air transport hub and ranks as the second largest in Asia in terms of passenger handling capacity. In anticipation of the increasing number of passengers and volume of freight air transport, Singapore has been continuously upgrading airport facilities and promoting bilateral agreements with neighboring economies on “open sky” initiatives that will facilitate the free flow of passengers and freight transport. As a result, the demand for jet kerosene, the primary fuel for air transport, is projected to grow robustly, more than doubling from 2.9 Mtoe in 2002 to 6.2 Mtoe in 2030. 99 The amount of energy needed to produce a dollar’s worth of industrial sector’s value added 100 Between 1980 and 2002, energy intensity in Singapore’s industrial sector increased at an annual average rate of 5.9 percent as a result of drastic expansion of petrochemical industries.

Residential and Commercial

Singapore is a highly urbanised economy and utilises mainly electricity and gas in the residential and commercial sectors for space cooling and cooking. Energy demand in the residential sector is projected to grow at an annual rate of 3.7 percent over the outlook period, slower than the average annual growth rate of 5.4 percent over the past two decades. Demand for electricity, the major energy source in the residential sector, is expected to increase at 3.7 percent per year and account for 92 percent in 2030. Gas demand, on the other hand, is projected to grow at an annual rate of 3.1 percent and account for 8 percent of total residential energy demand in 2030. Electricity is the only energy source utilised in the commercial sector. Over the outlook period, electricity demand is expected to increase at an annual rate of 4.4 percent, lower than the average annual growth rate of 8.1 percent in the past two decades. Faster growth in electricity demand is expected as a result of strong growth in the service sector, supported by the government’s policy to maintain Singapore’s position as Southeast Asia’s financial and high-tech hub.


Primary energy demand is projected to grow at an annual rate of 2.8 percent, from 21 Mtoe in 2002 to 47 Mtoe in 2030. Natural gas will grow the fastest rate at 5.8 percent per year, followed by oil at 2.1 percent during the same period. Demand for natural gas is projected to increase dramatically from 3.1 Mtoe in 2002 to 14.7 Mtoe in 2030. Natural gas demand will be largely driven by the electricity sector, accounting for almost all of the total incremental growth up to 2030. Singapore continues to shift from oil to natural gas in the electricity generation to reduce the economy’s oil dependency. In 2002, all of the natural gas consumed was met by imports from Malaysia and Indonesia through pipelines. Over the outlook period, to enhance the security of natural gas supply, Singapore is considering diversifying its sources for natural gas. By 2030, 40 percent of natural gas demand is expected to be met through LNG imports. Oil demand will be boosted by the industry and transportation sectors, which will respectively account for 61 percent and 39 percent of total oil demand growth. Oil demand is projected to increase from 17.7 Mtoe to 31.3 Mtoe in 2030. To meet the projected oil demand growth, Singapore has been working to increase trade relations with the Middle East to guarantee against supply disruptions of crude oil. In addition, the expansion of independent storage facilities is underway as a means to increase the economy’s strategic reserves and protect against supply disruptions of crude oil.


Singapore promotes the utilisation of natural gas as a means to diversify energy sources away from oil and has been working on ways to make the economy a regional gas trader. The economy has initially set a target of increasing the share of natural gas in the electricity generation mix to 60 percent by 2012, but was consequently met in 2003 way ahead of schedule. Singapore also plans to diversify the sources of its natural gas imports. The supply disruption of natural gas in 2003 from Indonesia has raised concerns about the security of natural gas supply. The incident has culminated in the government deciding to conduct a study on the viability of building an LNG receiving terminal to reduce dependence on pipeline natural gas. The success of the plan however will depend on LNG’s competitiveness with pipeline natural gas and the ability of Singapore to use LNG facilities as a buffer stock of gas.

How to Start your very owned CNG business

Phase1 Establish a Company (REQUIRED: $50K to $100K)

Step1: Stress Test and ResearchStep2: Build the CNG Motor Founding Team

Five Qualities to Look for in a Co-Founder 1. Loyalty to the business idea. 2. Honesty, including the ability to acknowledge errors and mistakes. 3. Versatility to focus on more than one aspect of the company. 4. Connections and the ability to attract talent to the team. 5. Flexibility in the face of changing circumstances.

Step3: Setup a Research and Development Center Step4: Importing the sample unit for Road test and Licensing

Phase2 Prototype the Products (REQUIRED: $100K to $500K)

Step1: Stake out Intellectual PropertyStep2: Standard and CertificatesStep3: Business Plan for Government FundingStep4: Create an Advisory Board Step5: Product out for First Road Drive

Phase3 Prototype the Products (REQUIRED: $500K to $1M)

Step1: Building a Core Team (Admin and Marketing)Step2: Assemble the Back OfficeStep3: Launch the Beta Test (Solicit the Commands to Perfect the Products)Step4: Revisit the Business Plan Step5: Training Center and Workshops for after sales Services

Phase4 Lunch the Products (REQUIRED: $1M to $3M)

Step1: Build a New Board of DirectorsStep2: Develop the Sales and Marketing PlanStep3: Open an Office (Combine the R&D and New Office)Step4: Opening the first Refueling Station for Motorcycles in SingaporeStep5: Hit the Market (Direct sales, Local Distributor and Agencies)Step6: Advertising Campaign, Marketing Campaign, Sponsorship program Step7: Build in Franchise and Distribution Right